Library Maker in Ann Arbor, MI

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Library Maker in Ann Arbor, MI

Post by telephase »

Hi, my name is Steve Teeri, I work for the Ann Arbor District Library doing maker activities.

Heard lots of good reviews about the Rostock Max, so went ahead and bought a V2 kit. Just about to start putting it together, and thankful for this forum to help me along the way!

Hoping to use it in programs with our community to help more people learn about 3D printing first-hand. 3D printing has started to get bigger in libraries recently, with lots of places around the country offering free or low cost workshops to their communities.

Glad to be here!

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Re: Library Maker in Ann Arbor, MI

Post by bot »

Glad to have you, welcome. The thing I like about the Rostock is its ability to maintain calibration and work without adjustment, basically every time. Problems do arise, obviously, but in terms of bed leveling and such, once you got it... it's good for a while. This will be helpful in a public environment.
*not actually a robot
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