Power to BL touch on Radds servo block

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Power to BL touch on Radds servo block

Post by Batteau62 »

Trying to set up a friends large format cartesian printer. Due with Radds and V2 extension board, 24v power supply, Three z axis steppers, two on the right side, one on the left. I'm planning to use the bltouch as a z min endstop/bed leveling probe. I soldered pins to the Radds servo area (see links above) yellow highlighted, and have the bltouch wired to manufactuers spec (see links above). I've read that it requires 5v from an external(not from the due) power source(highlighted green area). If this is true, what is the best solution to power it? Should I use a 12v to 5v step down converter? And put a pin on that "Servo +5V in"? I do have a 12v rail available. Any help and advice is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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