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Cyclops and S3D...

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:32 pm
by mhackney
Ok, so I posted in another forum a photo of my first Cyclops print but here it is for an example:
This was sliced in KISS with no special magic. For models like this - 2 separate STL files each associated with a different "extruder" - KISS worked fantastically. No messy ooze, etc. It just worked. But, I'd like to be able to print perimeters and shells in one color (clear for instance) and the infill in a second color. KISS can't do that but S3D in theory can. I started by trying to duplicate the dragon and heart. It took about 6 attempts to finally sort it out and I'm getting relatively decent results (but to be honest, not as good as the KISS results). But now trying to separate the shells and perimeters from the infill things are going horribly wrong! I'm using an ooze shield (although I tried the tower and both the shield and tower too) but S3D is not priming (i.e. not using the ooze shield or priming tower) when switching from the clear perimeter to the red infill I'm using. It's an odd thing, it just continues to print but actually starts driving the second extruder. I've searched and scratched my head on this one. I think Polygonhell fought this too and posted on the S3D forum back in July - and no one replied. So I thought I'd try here, at least folks here are friendly!

Re: Cyclops and S3D...

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 2:22 am
by ramai
Hey that looks pretty good. Why bother with the other slicer, this is as good as can be hoped for. (i have a low threshold to be impressed)

Re: Cyclops and S3D...

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 6:10 am
by bot
Haha I agree, it looks good, but as Mr. Hackney pointed out, he would like the infill to be the second material, which kisslicer can't do I guess.

Re: Cyclops and S3D...

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 9:28 am
by mhackney
Exactly bot, I am trying to push the design envelope with multi color printing. I am working on a technique I call "kaleidoscope" that encapsulates a decorative color infill inside a transparent shell. I'm almost there. KISS doesn't allow selection of the extruder for perimeters & shells vs infill. S3D does. What I'd really like is to be able to specify the extruder for shells, perimeters and infill separately.

Re: Cyclops and S3D...

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 1:18 pm
by ramai
In that case, that sounds really cool! I wish I could be of some real help, but instead I'll just stand on the sidelines and cheer and wait to see a photo of your success. You can do it, you can do it! :mrgreen:

Re: Cyclops and S3D...

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 1:55 pm
by mhackney
Here's a couple of examples of the kaleidoscope technique I'm working on.
FullSizeRender 2.jpg
FullSizeRender 3.jpg
FullSizeRender 4.jpg
Held up to the light they just glow. Very hard to photograph well.

Re: Cyclops and S3D...

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 2:00 pm
by ramai
I bet you could print an awesome looking beehive with this technique. Yellow honeycomb infill with the clear outside shell.
I only say this because I printed a beehive for my sister (to make a bear themed mobile for her new baby) and I secretly used honeycomb infill because it was too appropriate not to. But only I was aware. :lol:

Re: Cyclops and S3D...

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 2:20 pm
by mhackney
I have some beautiful honey colored translucent PLA that would probably look spectacular.

Re: Cyclops and S3D...

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 2:34 pm
by bot
I like your use of this idea! I often wanted to do this just to increase the amount of plastic available without switching rolls. If the print needs to be white, but I only have x grams of white, I can print the infill in a different colour and have enough white to make the whole perimeter white. Or something like that. Your idea is better. I need a damn cyclops/chimera now. :)

Re: Cyclops and S3D...

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 2:38 pm
by mhackney
Cyclops - the Chimera is 2 nozzles. My experience with multi extrusion using multiple nozzles was not good. The extra nozzle is always dragging and snagging on the part. It was always a matter of luck and perseverance to get a print. All that goes away with the Cyclops.

Re: Cyclops and S3D...

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 2:57 pm
by bot
Yeah for sure. I meant I'm getting both. For e3d scaffold, I want to have a chimera. There are a few limited (tiny) prints that having good disolvable support would be nice, and the second nozzle likely wouldn't interfere. Picture a part smaller than the offset of the nozzzles.

Re: Cyclops and S3D...

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 1:00 pm
by LorenOlepi
You can use Slic3r to have different infill/perimeter extruders. There is an option for what extruder you want to use for each.
Also What do you need to do firmware/settings wise to get the cyclops working on the max? I picked up the legends kit but havn't tried using the cyclops yet as I wasn't sure exactly what to do... I'm assuming just no offsets and only one heater/thermister but not sure.

Re: Cyclops and S3D...

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 3:01 pm
by mhackney
KISS does as well and I'm quite pleased with KISS results. Have you seen my latest effort:

[img] ... Render.jpg[/img]

Using KISS and some design and slicing trickery.

If you are using Repetier and RAMBo it is pretty straight forward. Use the online Repetier config tool - it supports 2 critical features:

1) switching extruders like the cyclops (2 filaments in, 1 nozzle out)
2) "virtual extruders" that allow you to pre-define up to 16 mixing ratios configured as an extruder - a very cool feature

Also, you will likely find the stock ezStruder not up to the task. I converted to geared steppers on mine and spent 6+ months and still could not get them to extrude properly with Cyclops. It is a very difficult extruder due to its melt path geometry. The final piece of the puzzle was using the (2) Bondtech QR extruders. They have been 100% reliable and I now have several months of printing using this setup with NO issues. I couldn't even get one good print prior to switching to the QRs.

Re: Cyclops and S3D...

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 4:05 pm
by LorenOlepi
Looks awesome! Thanks for the heads up... I look into the QRs

Re: Cyclops and S3D...

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 4:15 pm
by LorenOlepi
Are you able to print flexible material like ninja flex with the QRs?

Re: Cyclops and S3D...

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 8:48 am
by mhackney
ABSOLUTELY! They are perfect for flexible materials due to their design - the filament is actively pushed from two sides by two driven cogs. This was one of the primary design goals Martin had for his extruders.

Re: Cyclops and S3D...

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 12:29 pm
by LorenOlepi
Cool! Thinking I'm going to give the a try. Do have any pics of your setup?

Re: Cyclops and S3D...

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 1:04 pm
by mhackney
I've posted a few photos here, on the Lulzbot forum and Google Plus group for Bondtech (but I think this is a private customer group). I also designed the Rostock Max mount on the Bondtech site and there are photos from me and others here - just search for bondtech and you'll find it all.

The QR is by far the best extruder I've used. I have no issues with it whatsover. It is easy to start a new filament, never binds, never skips and has enough extrusion force to push filament through the Cyclops hot end.