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Want to hire a printmaster for remote troubleshooting

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 1:20 pm
by kellygalloway
Hi all,

I am looking for a "Printmaster" who owns or has access to a Rostock Max V2 who I could hire to work remotely with our technician to try to troubleshoot some problems we are having.

We are a small start-up getting ready to launch a new product and want to 3D print our plastic enclosure for the first 50 to 100 beta-test units until we are sure the design won't need to change. When sales volume and cash flow permits, we will transition to a plastic injection molded enclosure.

We have been using a Rostock Max V2 for about a year, but lately our technician is having trouble getting reliable prints. We are located in eastern Canada so it would be best if the person was located in North America, even better if they are on the east coast so the time zones will line up better. I'd like to be able to have my technician send you our files, and have you slice and print it on your printer in ABS to see if you can can help us figure out what the problem is.

Things were printing flawlessly in ABS about a month or so ago using Cura for our slicer, but then all of a sudden we started having problems with gaps in walls, dimensional accuracy being off. We are also using ABS filament purchased from SeeMeCNC. My technician has tried bed leveling, extrusion width, extrusion multiplier, flow rate, extruder temp, etc. but he is still not able to get good prints. He has been consulting the following guides in an attempt to fix the problems. ... eshooting/ ... ting-guide

One problem in particular is that the slicer is not slicing the print model walls properly (without gaps) unless the setting for the diameter of nozzle is decreased from 0.5mm to about 0.4mm. He had no issues with prints using 0.5mm for a nozzle setting in the past.

Tthe other main problem is dimensional accuracy, we are getting a dimension of 21.5mm for a 20mm cube and 70.5mm diameter instead of 65mm for one of our parts that we used to be able to print with no problems.

My technician has been filing support tickets with SeeMeCNC but they have not been able to help us resolve the issues yet and we are burning through lots of personnel time.

If this something someone would be interested in helping with, please contact me and let me know what you would charge for your time. We could pay for a couple of hours of time through Paypal to get things going.

If you are not interested but can recommend someone else that would be appreciated.

My email for further correspondence is [email protected].

Kelly Galloway
ETC/Dynamic Monitors

Re: Want to hire a printmaster for remote troubleshooting

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 11:27 pm
by Xenocrates
Can you try printing a 50mm cube, as well as posting some pictures with examples of the problems? The STL or Cad models would be helpful as well, but I understand the potential need for an NDA for a company. (Although in the industrial equipment and sensor space, I'm used to getting at least drawings for enclosures, and I think it's what you're doing, given the website that matches the email. But as you said, beta product)

Re: Want to hire a printmaster for remote troubleshooting

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 8:44 am
by kellygalloway
Xenocrates wrote:Can you try printing a 50mm cube, as well as posting some pictures with examples of the problems? The STL or Cad models would be helpful as well, but I understand the potential need for an NDA for a company. (Although in the industrial equipment and sensor space, I'm used to getting at least drawings for enclosures, and I think it's what you're doing, given the website that matches the email. But as you said, beta product)
Thanks for the offer of help. I have no problem emailing stl and drawing files, but would rather send them to individuals than post on the public forum. Upon arriving at the office this morning I see a new print on the printer that looks much better, and seems to fit our pipe better. So possibly my technician may have resolved the problems last night. I will have to wait until he gets in this morning to check with him. If things are still not fully resolved I will have him follow up with pictures or privately with files.
