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Custom Controls Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 10:41 pm
by daftscience
Here are some useful custom controls I've created for the RostockMax and Repetier. If anyone else has any please feel free to add to this. Octoprint's Github has a great guide and some good examples.

Just place these in the controls section of config.yaml.

Bed Calibration:

Code: Select all

- children:
  - commands:
    - G28
    - G0 Z%(height)s F1500
    - default: 5
      name: Height
      parameter: height
    name: Move Z
    type: parametric_commands
  - commands:
    - G28
    - G0 X0 Y90 Z%(height)s F1500
    - default: 5
      name: G0 X0 Y90 Z
      parameter: height
    name: Zero Z axis
    type: parametric_commands
  - commands:
    - G28
    - G0 X77.94 Y-45 Z%(height)s F1500
    - default: 5
      name: G0 X77.94 Y-45 Z
      parameter: height
    name: Zero Y Axis
    type: parametric_commands
  - commands:
    - G28
    - G0 X-77.94 Y-45 Z%(height)s F1500
    - default: 5
      name: G0 X-77.94 Y-45 Z
      parameter: height
    name: Zero X Axis
    type: parametric_commands
  name: Calibrate
  type: section
This will create custom controls that make calibration go much quicker.
Basically, enter a value into the box and it will lower the nozzle to that height at which ever calibration point you want. From there use the LCD to lower it step by step.

EEPROM Updater

Code: Select all

- children:
  - commands:
    - M206 T3 P145 X%(maxLength)s
    - M206 T3 P149 X%(maxLength)s
    - M206 T3 P153 X%(maxLength)s
    - M500
    - G28
    - default: null
      name: Max Z height
      parameter: maxLength
    name: Set XYZ max length
    type: parametric_commands
  - commands:
    - M206 T%(type)s P%(location)s X%(value)s
    - M500
    - G28
    - default: null
      name: Type
      parameter: type
    - defualt: null
      name: Location
      parameter: location
    - default: null
      name: Value
      parameter: value
    name: EEPROM
    type: parametric_commands
  - commands:
    - M206 T3 P218 X%(pgain)s
    - M206 T3 P222 X%(igain)s
    - M206 T3 P226 X%(dgain)s
    - M500
    - default: null
      name: P-gain
      parameter: pgain
    - default: null
      name: I-gain
      parameter: igain
    - default: null
      name: D-gain
      parameter: dgain
    name: Update PID
    type: parametric_commands
  name: Set EEPROM
  type: section
- children:
  - command: M114
    name: Get Position
    regex: X:([0-9.-]+) Y:([0-9.-]+) Z:([0-9.-]+) E:([0-9.-]+)
    template: 'Position: X={0}, Y={1}, Z={2}, E={3}'
    type: feedback_command
  - command: M503
    name: Get EEPROM
    type: command
  - name: Z Height
    regex: EPR:([0-9.-]+) ([0-9.-]+) ([0-9.-]+) X max length
    template: ' {2} |Type: {1}  | Location: {0}'
    type: feedback
  - command: M503
    name: P-Gain
    regex: EPR:([0-9.-]+) ([0-9.-]+) ([0-9.-]+) Extr.1 PID P-gain
    template: ' {2} |Type: {1}  | Location: {0}'
    type: feedback
  - command: M503
    name: I-Gain
    regex: EPR:([0-9.-]+) ([0-9.-]+) ([0-9.-]+) Extr.1 PID I-gain
    template: ' {2} |Type: {1}  | Location: {0}'
    type: feedback
  - command: M503
    name: D-Gain
    regex: EPR:([0-9.-]+) ([0-9.-]+) ([0-9.-]+) Extr.1 PID D-gain
    template: '{2}  |Type: {1}  | Location: {0}'
    type: feedback
  - name: Printer Radius
    regex: EPR:([0-9.-]+) ([0-9.-]+) ([0-9.-]+) Horizontal radius
    template: '{2}  |Type: {1}  | Location: {0}'
    type: feedback
  name: Reporting
  type: section

This block does a few things. First, it allows you to update a specific EEPROM value, or update PID values. Second it looks for specific EEPROM values and will save them. This makes it easier to keep track of the M503 output (the terminal only keeps them for so long.) Someday, I will make a complete list of EEPROM values.

Re: Custom Controls Thread

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 4:42 pm
by Eaglezsoar
Daftscience, thanks for the custom controls, those are going to come in handy when I do the PI setup.
Don't forget to post the last one you said you had. :)

Re: Custom Controls Thread

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:19 pm
by daftscience
Thanks for reminding me. I just updated my first post with EEPROM reporting

Re: Custom Controls Thread

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 4:17 am
by Eaglezsoar
daftscience wrote:Thanks for reminding me. I just updated my first post with EEPROM reporting
Thank you for posting them.

Re: Custom Controls Thread

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 3:30 pm
by bubbasnow
daftscience wrote:Here are some useful custom controls I've created for the RostockMax and Repetier. If anyone else has any please feel free to add to this. Octoprint's Github has a great guide and some good examples.

Bed Calibration:

Code: Select all

- children:
  - commands:
    - G28
    - G0 Z%(height)s F1500
    - default: 5
      name: Height
      parameter: height
    name: Move Z
    type: parametric_commands
  - commands:
    - G28
    - G0 X0 Y90 Z%(height)s F1500
    - default: 5
      name: G0 X0 Y90 Z
      parameter: height
    name: Zero Z axis
    type: parametric_commands
  - commands:
    - G28
    - G0 X77.94 Y-45 Z%(height)s F1500
    - default: 5
      name: G0 X77.94 Y-45 Z
      parameter: height
    name: Zero Y Axis
    type: parametric_commands
  - commands:
    - G28
    - G0 X-77.94 Y-45 Z%(height)s F1500
    - default: 5
      name: G0 X-77.94 Y-45 Z
      parameter: height
    name: Zero X Axis
    type: parametric_commands
  name: Calibrate
  type: section
So throwing this into the config.yaml file will create custom controls that make calibration go much quicker.
Basically, enter a value into the box and it will lower the nozzle to that height at which ever calibration point you want. From there use the LCD to lower it step by step.

EEPROM Updater

Code: Select all

- children:
  - commands:
    - M206 T3 P145 X%(maxLength)s
    - M206 T3 P149 X%(maxLength)s
    - M206 T3 P153 X%(maxLength)s
    - M500
    - G28
    - default: null
      name: Max Z height
      parameter: maxLength
    name: Set XYZ max length
    type: parametric_commands
  - commands:
    - M206 T%(type)s P%(location)s X%(value)s
    - M500
    - G28
    - default: null
      name: Type
      parameter: type
    - defualt: null
      name: Location
      parameter: location
    - default: null
      name: Value
      parameter: value
    name: EEPROM
    type: parametric_commands
  - commands:
    - M206 T3 P218 X%(pgain)s
    - M206 T3 P222 X%(igain)s
    - M206 T3 P226 X%(dgain)s
    - M500
    - default: null
      name: P-gain
      parameter: pgain
    - default: null
      name: I-gain
      parameter: igain
    - default: null
      name: D-gain
      parameter: dgain
    name: Update PID
    type: parametric_commands
  name: Set EEPROM
  type: section
- children:
  - command: M114
    name: Get Position
    regex: X:([0-9.-]+) Y:([0-9.-]+) Z:([0-9.-]+) E:([0-9.-]+)
    template: 'Position: X={0}, Y={1}, Z={2}, E={3}'
    type: feedback_command
  - command: M503
    name: Get EEPROM
    type: command
  - name: Z Height
    regex: EPR:([0-9.-]+) ([0-9.-]+) ([0-9.-]+) X max length
    template: ' {2} |Type: {1}  | Location: {0}'
    type: feedback
  - command: M503
    name: P-Gain
    regex: EPR:([0-9.-]+) ([0-9.-]+) ([0-9.-]+) Extr.1 PID P-gain
    template: ' {2} |Type: {1}  | Location: {0}'
    type: feedback
  - command: M503
    name: I-Gain
    regex: EPR:([0-9.-]+) ([0-9.-]+) ([0-9.-]+) Extr.1 PID I-gain
    template: ' {2} |Type: {1}  | Location: {0}'
    type: feedback
  - command: M503
    name: D-Gain
    regex: EPR:([0-9.-]+) ([0-9.-]+) ([0-9.-]+) Extr.1 PID D-gain
    template: '{2}  |Type: {1}  | Location: {0}'
    type: feedback
  - name: Printer Radius
    regex: EPR:([0-9.-]+) ([0-9.-]+) ([0-9.-]+) Horizontal radius
    template: '{2}  |Type: {1}  | Location: {0}'
    type: feedback
  name: Reporting
  type: section

This block does a few things. First, it allows you to update a specific EEPROM value, or update PID values. Second it looks for specific EEPROM values and will save them. This makes it easier to keep track of the M503 output (the terminal only keeps them for so long.) Someday, I will make a complete list of EEPROM values.

My config.yaml did not include the "controls:" section so be sure to add this above this copy paste if yours does not have it either

Re: Custom Controls Thread

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 4:58 pm
by bubbasnow
also, is there a way to run a python script from the system pull down menu?

here is what exists now

Code: Select all

  - action: shutdown
    command: sudo shutdown -h now
    confirm: You are about to shutdown the system.
    name: Shutdown
here is an example on how to switch a relay on or off

Code: Select all

  - action: printer off
   command: gpio mode 7 in
   confirm: You are about to turn off the printer.
   name: Turn off printer
but when i try to do a

Code: Select all

command: sudo python
i get an error returned to octoprint.

i was thinking of using GPIO pwm feature to control some servos or LED strips

Re: Custom Controls Thread

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 5:17 pm
by bubbasnow
i got it nm

Re: Custom Controls Thread

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 11:35 pm
by daftscience
What did you have to do to get it working?

Re: Custom Controls Thread

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 12:52 am
by bubbasnow
daftscience wrote:What did you have to do to get it working?

This was from the Octoprint wiki

Code: Select all

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo -s
root@raspberrypi:/home/pi# echo "pi ALL=NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown" > /etc/sudoers.d/octoprint-shutdown
root@raspberrypi:/home/pi# exit
and this will add my move to the system drop down and run my ""

Code: Select all

  - action: move
    command: cd /home/pi && sudo python
    confirm: false
    name: move it

Re: Custom Controls Thread

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 3:40 am
by bubbasnow
Using WiringPi

I've added these controls to the system pull down.

Code: Select all

  - action: update
    command: cd ~/OctoPrint && git pull && sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
    confirm: You are about to update Octoprint.
    name: Update (git pull)
  - action: update
    command: sudo apt-get -y update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade
    confirm: You are about to update Raspbian.
    name: Update Raspbian
  - action: shutdown
    command: sudo shutdown -h now
    confirm: You are about to shutdown the system.
    name: Shutdown
  - action: reboot
    command: sudo shutdown -r now
    confirm: You are about to reboot the system
    name: Reboot
  - action: move
    command: cd /home/pi && sudo python
    confirm: false
    name: move it
  - action: LightOn
    command: gpio mode 3 out
    confirm: You are about to turn the Lights On
    name: Turn Lights On
  - action: LightOff
    command: gpio mode 3 in
    confirm: You are about to turn the Lights off
    name: Turn Lights Off
  - action: PrinterOn
    command: gpio mode 2 out
    confirm: You are about to turn on the Printer
    name: Turn Printer On
  - action: PrinterOff
    command: gpio mode 2 in
    confirm: You are about to turn off the Printer
    name: Turn Printer Off
  - action: HeatBedOn
    command: gpio mode 0 out
    confirm: You are about to turn on the Heatbed
    name: Turn HeatBed On
  - action: HeatBedOff
    command: gpio mode 0 in
    confirm: You are about to turn off the Heatbed
    name: Turn HeatBed Off
be mindful that when you use GPIO command it is NOT the GPIOPIN# of the pi, there is a table on the site above listing what pin is connected to what number.

Re: Custom Controls Thread

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 11:56 am
Well, I must be doing something wrong here. After applying your code to my config.yaml file, I see no changes.

I copied both of your code blocks into my config.yaml file. I added "control:" above it without the quotation marks. I added this alphabetically between "appearance:" and "feature: {}". I then rebooted my pi, restarted the server, and checked the config.yaml file to make sure my additions were intact.

When I opened the OctoPrint page, I expected to see some new controls in my control tab, but nothing had changed. I then checked the settings. The additional options weren't there either.

Where should I expect to see the commands? Did I screw up somewhere?


Edit: For clarity, this message is addressed to the first post, not the more advanced controls farther down the page.

Re: Custom Controls Thread

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 12:10 pm
Of course as soon as I posted this, I realized what I did wrong. I needed to add "controls" instead of "control". It is all working now. Thanks for the awesome code.