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Prints turn out horrible

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 1:52 pm
by Jos360
Hello there,
I recently switched out my print head for a dial indicator to do some measuring on my Rostock Max V2 (on a self-printed platform), and now when I put my print head back on I can't seem to be able to turn out good quality prints. I haven't had issues for I while now, the machine has been printing beautiful.

I've put the entire Plotclock STL file in Cura (V15.04.3) and sliced it into Gcode for mattercontrol. Now I get very different results on each part. They were all printed in 1 batch:

Bottom of the parts:

You can see that some of the parts turned out very beautifully, 1 is acceptable and the rest is horrible.. (the ones that have the corners teared off is because I tore them off with the printbed still warm because they were ruined anyway)

Top of the parts:

The tops are all caved in and horrible quality.

What I did in Cura is reduce nozzle size and increase top layers, and it helps some but it still isn't good enough. I can't get the bottoms of the prints to be exactly alike on all the parts. Any thoughts? It seems strange that there's so much difference in quality when it's all printed in one go.

Re: Prints turn out horrible

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 2:47 pm
by Xenocrates
Were the better parts concentrated in some area of the bed? Say, towards the middle, or in a ring ish? Could it be that your horizontal radius is off?

Re: Prints turn out horrible

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 3:24 pm
by Jos360
Xenocrates wrote:Were the better parts concentrated in some area of the bed? Say, towards the middle, or in a ring ish? Could it be that your horizontal radius is off?
You were right. I was a bit soon with opening this thread but let it be a lesson for others with these problems.
I found that the top of the parts were due to layer count in Cura, which is solved. The bottoms were because it was not properly sticking to the print bed, caused by horizontal radius. When changing out the extruder for the dial indicator it must have been remounted in a different way or the settings have been changed for some other cause.

At least it works again now.

Re: Prints turn out horrible

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 11:08 am
by Xenocrates
Heh. Glad it worked out for you. Happy printing. There's no such thing as too soon, figuring out from initial symptoms and posting it is how a body of knowledge develops here for others to get help from.