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Printing Vases

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 4:30 am
by DeltaCon
Just to make use of the large buildvolume, and to test my new ball-cup arms, I printed this wavy vase. I was glad that it completely printed to the end, because ABS, no heat chamber yet, and only Purple glue on the glass (that seems to stick surprisingly well since I have good calibration and first layer height!)
But if you look into detail there is a lot of blobs and uneven lines.
If you look close enough, you will probably notice that the uneveness is not link to specific layers, the seem to appear randomly, and disappear short way further in the same layer. Maybe a little overextrusion? Or should I look differently...

I took this vase to the test and filled it with water. It is pretty solid with 3 perimeters, but one spot was pooring out water. The black spot, I have no idea where the blackness came from, but I guess the nozzle pick up some goo, kept it a long time and dropped it off later making all three perimeters leak. Besides this, can good waterproof vases be expected at all?
Something else that drew my attention was the reaction of the purple glue to water ;-)
I sliced this Vase with KISS, but I could not find something like a "spiral vase" option. As a result the top of the vase got closed. I sanded it off with a bandsaw machine afterwards. Is KISS not the best option for slacing vases?
Thanks for your input!

Re: Printing Vases

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 2:35 pm
by sfuelberth
You need to go to the infill slider, one of the options is no infill and the is another no infill vase option. I dont have KISS up in front of me right now but it is on the infill slider.

Re: Printing Vases

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 10:15 am
by RegB
Cura also has a "spiral vase" setting - and so too do MOST slicing programs.

I am also trying to make something that is "waterproof" although very different to this particular vase.

QUESTION: Are there any general tips and tricks for getting ABS to fuse together consistently enough to make "waterproof" containers ?
e.g. line spacing, overlaps, "ironing" of top layers, number or speed of walls, etc.