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A big vase

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 9:26 am
by mhackney
Stock V3, 0.7mm nozzle, black and natural SeeMeCNC PLA filament. .35mm layers, 2 perimeters, "Vase" setting in KISS. 195°C with 60°C bed on bare glass. 250mm/10" tall. It glows in the light.
FullSizeRender 62.jpg

Re: A big vase

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 9:33 am
by morgandc
Very Cool!

Do you find that the reduction in time to print is proportional to the layer size/nozzle size?
What method did you use to switch colors in the middle of the print?

Re: A big vase

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 9:43 am
by mhackney
I've never measured it to see exactly what the relationship is! I am pretty sure it is not linear though.

Ah, color switching! Old school! Pre-2012! The way we did it then before all the fancy smancy multi-extruders was to:

1) watch the print waiting for a "lull", i.e. printing a long perimeter or infill without a lot of retractions
2) clip the ingoing filament about 1" above the extruder
3) chase the end of the clipped filament with your new color into the top of the extruder to make sure it feeds
4) watch to make sure there is no gap between the ends of the old and new filaments. If so, press the lever on the extruder and manually feed the filament until it touches the old

This technique is best on parts where there are not a lot of retractions. If you get really good at it, you can calculate where to make splices to produce reasonably precise color changes.

Re: A big vase

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 2:35 pm
by Zesty_Lykle
Slick, Michael!