Orion Print quality problems after upgrade

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Orion Print quality problems after upgrade

Post by mongo515 »

Having print quality issues with a second hand Orion Printer I picked up.
I tried searching for the same problem and found some similar issues but nothing that seemed to have a clear resolution or at least one that addressed and resolved my issue.
I am not sure how many miles she has but it indicated a little over 6 1/2 days print time when I got it. Kinda thinking it has more then that.
It is an older machine with the u-joint arms and the laser cut cheapskates, and it had a lot of slop.
Amazingly, as bad as it was it still printed surprisingly well. But was getting some layer shifting and detailed objects were not as clean as they should have been.
Decided to upgrade to the ball joint arms and injection molded trucks and be done with it. It could only get better, Right?
Got everything installed and changed the eeprom settings to reflect the new parts, Arm length to 179 and horizontal rad. to 89. (Its actually at 89.15 currently)
set Z height and ran towers calibration way too many times.
The pictures will show, probably better than I can explain, the problem.
The purple part was printed before the upgrades and is actually quite good and is even dimensionally good.
The silver part is after. The perimeter lines are not as tight and has big gaps between them and the infill. It is like that through the full height of the part. I did try it with several other filaments and the original purple and it does the same thing.
The height of the part is about right but the X, Y, dimensions are bigger then they are supposed to be. Only about 0.010-0.020" tho.
Both of those were printed from the same file off an SD card, so nothing has been re-sliced.
The printer had The 91 firmware when I got it, and I ended up loading 92.2 after having all the problems, since I figured it couldn't hurt after spending way too much time on what should have been an easy upgrade anyway.
I cant say it got better but it changed a few other things I wasn't crazy about but that's another story.
Anyway, I was hoping somebody has done this upgrade and maybe had a similar problem. Or some insight into the issue. It sorta seems like it is an Arm length issue, maybe? just not sure how to resolve it.
The carriage and arms are extremely solid now, especially compared to what it was. Can the ball arms be too tight? when moved manually nothing feels like it is binding.
Ill post my eeprom settings If someone could take a look if it seems OK, or post their eeprom setting and I could compare that to what I have. Maybe I'm missing some silly little thing.
Unfortunately I have not had much time lately to spend on this, So hoping somebody can get me going in the right direction.
I am not new to printing but I am new to deltas, so I have a little learning to do ;-)
This is turning into one of those "If it aint broke dont fix it" lessons. :D
Thanks in advance!

Rambo and ATX power supply 92.2 firmware.
Ball joint arms and IM trucks
Stock extruder and hot-end

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