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Rostock Max V4 Bed Mapping Issue?

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2023 7:27 pm
by Twingert
My 3D printer was printing fine. I thought it would be a good idea to update the firmware to V3.4.4 I have not been able to get a clean print since.
I have run the Delta Calibration several times. I have included a picture to show where it seems to "not print" on the bottom right portion. This is the same file that was printing correctly before I upgraded the firmware. Any suggestions would be appreciated. NOTE--I stopped the print after I thought there was enough there to show what was happening.

Re: Rostock Max V4 Bed Mapping Issue?

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2023 11:46 am
by geneb
I've got a similar issue with my v4. Are you seeing that after a normal delta cal, or after you've done a height map? How does it print without the height map?

I've pinged Part Daddy on this, so hopefully he'll stick his nose in soon. :)
