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Printing reverse of what i view in mattercontrol?

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 10:25 am
by magicmarc
hi, its me again, new guy...
so, im noticing that in two items im trying/testing to print, i notice that the item is being printed in reverse of what i see in matter control...

for example, im tryting to print a box, and as you can see in the 1st attachment this is what its supposed to be, and in the 2nd attachment you see what happened... notice the words/text is backwards, and that block on the inside of the box is on the opposite side, etc...
its like its flipped over horizontally (left <> right)
any ideas.. i then tried something else with text and noticed the same thing.

im going to try to take the design i was provided by, the box design, and import to tinkercad, check direction, and do an export, and try printing that file...?

Re: Printing reverse of what i view in mattercontrol?

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 2:21 pm
by KAS
Almost like the steppers are wired backwards, just not sure how that would still home correctly unless the direction was changed.

Check each tower is wired for the correct axis on the controller along with the correct endstop. My guess is the X and Y are switched.

Re: Printing reverse of what i view in mattercontrol?

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 11:12 pm
by magicmarc
hmmm, thanks, are you referring to the wires going into the mini-rambo [X, Y, X, EO] connector ports? swap the x and y cable connectors?
ill try now, thanks

Re: Printing reverse of what i view in mattercontrol?

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 11:26 pm
by Polygonhell
He has the steppers for two of the towers swapped, along with the end switches or it wouldn't home properly.
He probably transposed the X/Y/Z labels when wiring.

Re: Printing reverse of what i view in mattercontrol?

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 11:37 pm
by Jimustanguitar
Right click on your desktop, select 'screen resolution', and in the drop down click on 'landscape (flipped)'. Problem solved.

Are you using a Duet board? Depending on which way you look at it, its steppers appear to go from Z to X. I've had mine flipped before, so even an idiot can get it wrong.

Re: Printing reverse of what i view in mattercontrol?

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 1:53 am
by Polygonhell
Yep I did the same thing on my duet.

Re: Printing reverse of what i view in mattercontrol?

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 7:52 am
by magicmarc
hi,the printer is the h2 delta hacker model, and the board is the mini-rambo..
picture attached,
so i switched out the motor control wire connectors the x & y, and then it wouldnt calibrate properly, made thumping noises like it was going the wrong way...
i did confirm that the extruder motor wires are going to the EO port in the picture (im using the 4 ports along the edge of the board, not the double one on top of the Z)

and the Z motor wires are going properly to the Z connector on mini-rambo (Z being the motor to the right of the extruder looking at it on a table).

which motor is directly opposite the extruder motor (x or Y)? as i have 2 lasercut motor holders labeled XY, and one labled Z (engraved into the mount/leg)

Re: Printing reverse of what i view in mattercontrol?

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 8:45 am
by KAS
I haven't used the mini-rambo at all (or any Rambo in a couple years).

Check the endstop switches:
Send the M119 command and check each endstop is working for the correct tower.
Pull all the carriages away from the endstop switches so nothing is touching. Hold the X tower switch closed with your finger and issue the M119 command. You should see which axis the controller thinks is closed. Repeat for Y and Z tower.

Also, if you can upload a picture of your controller wiring, that might show something hopefully obvious. I'm looking over the manual but not seeing anything out of the normal.

Re: Printing reverse of what i view in mattercontrol?

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 10:19 am
by magicmarc
ill try those M119 commends in a little bit.
thanks for the help in figuring this out.

OK, so i performed the m119 tests, and it seems that the end stop i hold down shows as 'H' in the terminal after i type m119.

so, when i hold down the end stop switch on the either of the steppers it should show the symbol code 'H' versus the other two are codes 'L' is that right?
H being the one ive got manually held down...?

Re: Printing reverse of what i view in mattercontrol?

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 3:01 pm
by magicmarc
so , i went back to basics, opened up the bottom covers, and labeled the x motor wires, y motor, z motor, extruder motor wires... as well i labeled all the end stop wire connectors coming out of the tower risers....
i reinstalled all of them correctly in their respective spots, i used a magnifier glass to see which end stop connectors are x, y, z.

also, i cleared the eprom, reinstalled the firmware, deleted the printer in matter-control, and reinstalled a printer (this time i saw and used the H2 printer i saw there (wheaeas previously i had the rostock max v3 selected..).
printing the calibration cube now, and then will do a test type print to see if it mirror reverses in print.

this seemed to work, i did a test print with text, and it printed properly!
thanks all!

Re: Printing reverse of what i view in mattercontrol?

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 5:54 pm
by magicmarc
yes, polygonhell...
i think it turned out i had the stepper motors, X & Y labeled wrong, thus installed wrong ports on minirambo, and i think i had 2 of the end limit switch wires crossed into wrong ports on minirambo. starting clean, labeling the ends, using the magnifying glass, and yall helped!