Weak first layer extrusion, jams mid print.

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Weak first layer extrusion, jams mid print.

Post by buggy »

After completing my upgrade to the duet wifi, fsr setup and titan extruder i still havent managed a successful print. Calibrated esteps, auto calibration and bed mesh compensation.
During the upgrade i followed mhackneys guide on his sublimelayers blog, used the firmware files he supplied but hopefully changed them to fit my max v2.

Now to my current issue. When i go to print my first layer seems to be under extruding. Ive adjusted the zprobe offset with no change to the first layer extrusion. If i turn the extrusion multiplier up to 120% it looks around what i would expect. After the first 2 layers i change it back to 100% and let the print continue. After a few layers it seems like my hotend jams.

Does anyone have any ideas of what the problem could be? Im new to the reprap firmware so i could be missing something. I can post my config.g and bed.g if that helps.
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Re: Weak first layer extrusion, jams mid print.

Post by geneb »

buggy, what model are you printing? What hot end are you using? What slicer?

Do you have the tension on the Titan properly adjusted?


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Re: Weak first layer extrusion, jams mid print.

Post by buggy »

Thanks for the reply, also a fellow washingtonian (everett)! I think i might have solved the weak first layer extrusion problem, i guess i didnt use a drastic enough z offset. Originally i was using around -.07 when it turns out i needed closer to -.17. It still seems like im getting a lot of back pressure in the nozzle which translates to the extruder. Im trying to print just a universal duet mounting board, im using a e3d v6 and i swapped back to my ez-extruder to see if that would help with the issue.
I was doing more reading trying to solve my issues and realized i may have missed a step during the calibration process. I think i still need to set up my z offset for each of the probing locations.

Also im using bed mesh compensation with auto calibration but i believe i need to include the gcode to have it taper off after a certain height which might solve the issue of my extruder jamming after a few layers.
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