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Taulman n-vent (Eastman Amphora)

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 12:39 am
by Rolffeof6
I bought a spool of Taulman n-vent... VERY Pleased. Here are the specifics...

Printing Environment and Pertinent Settings
- Rostock max, v2
- Tricklaser carbon fiber arms
- E3Dv6 (0.4mm nozzle) @ 260 C with no cooling fan blowing on the printed material
- Nozzle height adjustments done according to manufacturer's instructions using 24# copier paper
- Bed @ 50 C with one layer of Elmer's Disappearing Purple glue stick on the print area
- Control program: Repetier Host 1.6.1
- No raft
- Taulman n-vent, 1.75mm
- Retraction Distance: 9.0mm
- Retraction Speed: 65mm/sec
- Z-lift (during moves): 0.6mm
- Retract on layer change set to “On”

- Layer Height: 0.2 mm
- minimum move distance to initiate a retract: 1mm

I have previously printed only ABS.

* After every print, I heat the nozzle to 260 C and brush 4 sides with a fine steel wire brush. Since I began this cleaning procedure, I have had Zero problems with material buildup, “glopping” on the nozzle and subsequent deposition in unwanted places on my print (I had experienced the glopping prior to instituting this cleaning regimen).

Sticks extremely well to the bed- absolutely no warping or delamination, with the Disappearing Purple gluestick.

I am very pleased with n-vent. It's not ABS and it needs to be treated differently. From my perspective though, the advantages far outweigh the short cleaning required after each print.

- no glopping
- no warping
- no delamination
- very strong layer-to-layer adhesion
- hot end nozzle should be cleaned, according to Eastman's product info, as stated above. I clean after each print- takes 2 minutes.
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Re: Taulman n-vent (Eastman Amphora)

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 10:36 am
by dlbyers
Pictures of a sample print?

Photos Added Per request: Taulman n-vent (Eastman Amphora)

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 6:18 pm
by Rolffeof6
Added a few photos of most recent prints.

Re: Taulman n-vent (Eastman Amphora)

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 8:06 pm
by Eaglezsoar
Do you know if the n-vent is similar to the PETG that I see on the market?

Re: Taulman n-vent (Eastman Amphora)

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 8:58 pm
by Rolffeof6
I don't have any experience with PETG although I have heard of it. The n-vent is quite strong, has exceptional layer-to-layer bonding and doesn't warp- all these are very attractive to me after having warping and delamination issues with ABS.

Both n-vent and PETG are copolyesters. That's about all I know. For my purposes, n-vent is the perfect filament. It will be even more attractive when the price comes down (PETG seems to be considerably less expensive than n-vent).

Re: Taulman n-vent (Eastman Amphora)

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 12:04 pm
by cope413
Eaglezsoar wrote:Do you know if the n-vent is similar to the PETG that I see on the market?
Yes, it's very similar. MadeSolid PET+, Colorfabb XT, Colorfabb nGen, Taulman nVent, and the PETG filaments are all copolyesters, and they are all very similar in both their mechanical properties and their surface finishes.

Re: Taulman n-vent (Eastman Amphora)

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 5:04 am
by Johncoffee
Amazing material and very accurate prints as it seems. Can you show the iris box 'assembled' ? Did you design it or is this public available ?

Thanks for your reply - *John*

Re: Taulman n-vent (Eastman Amphora)... Reply to Johncoffee

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 3:50 pm
by Rolffeof6
First, sorry it has taken so long to reply. Can't provide a photo because my 2 YO granddaughter has sqiurreled it away somewhere.

It is a design from Thingiverse:" onclick=";return false;

It went together very well with little or no sanding.

Re: Taulman n-vent (Eastman Amphora)

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 5:35 pm
by Johncoffee
Thanks a lot Rolffeof6 !

Iris Box Photo

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 2:33 pm
by Rolffeof6
FINALLY found the Iris Box behind the Flatscreen stand.

Re: Taulman n-vent (Eastman Amphora)

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 9:52 am
by Zesty_Lykle
The only disadvantage of this stuff is that there are few solvents that work on this stuff.

So no use trying to use acetone vapor smoothing of your print, it will not work.
Or if you have a blocked nozzle, dropping it in acetone will do nothing to dissolve the plastic.


Re: Taulman n-vent (Eastman Amphora)

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2016 1:14 am
by Outsider
Taulman has discontinued N-vent.
Colorfabb XT is the exact same material.