ROSTOCK MAX V2 #6-32 nylon lock nuts in laser cut pockets

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ROSTOCK MAX V2 #6-32 nylon lock nuts in laser cut pockets


As previous posted when I build projects I kind of look for the easier or simpler way of doing things, I would say better but for every better there is always another way that is better to some one.

OK, issues with the #6-32 nylon lock nuts in laser cut pockets. I had several issues with three of the these nuts.
First issue was I found a couple of the screws used into the nuts had dings on them which bound them up on the nuts. This resulted in the nuts turning in pocket in both directions (in and out). Not able to remove the screw or tighten it in further.

Second issue was I had one laser cut pocket fresh out of the box that was half chipped out on one side. This pocket I was worried on it crushing when tightening.

And third was the loose pockets that had to have nuts taped in place. I had three of these, I found two being just a wee bit to loose for even tape to work at holding them well enough to prevent them from turning.

So how to get these to tighten down when all they do was spin?
Well back to my handy dandy harbor freight and search for a solution.
I found a long reach set of 10 inch vise grips, these had long enough jaws with enough gap in them to only touch the nut and clamp to it while I tightened the screw down. A clean grip of nut with no damage to housing or pocket.

As for the chipped out corner. I used a piece of brass hobbyist flat stock that was just wide enough to fit across the pocket. I cut it a 1/2 inch wider then the width of the board. Drilled/punched a hole dead center large enough to accept the 6-32 screw and bent 1/4 inch on each side to form a channel washer. No more worry on the nut pulling down to far. In hindsight I kind of wish I had made one of these brass channel washers for each pocket nut (would have been a bit over kill maybe but long term peace of mind on a more solid pocket for a small cost and effort). (maybe on the top half).
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