Can you set a minimum print time per layer in Slic3r?

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Can you set a minimum print time per layer in Slic3r?

Post by designfactore »

Hey guys,

Can a person set a minimum print time per layer in Slic3r?

I'm hoping to force a minimum time so each layer has enough time to cool. The reason I ask is because when I have very small "peaks" at the very top of a model, say a 1/4" boss, where that boss is the only thing printing for the last several layers, the printing happens so fast that those layers stay gummy, and instead of printing cleanly, that boss gets all pushed around by the print head. Basically, I wan't to be able to tell Slic3r to spend at least 30 seconds a layer; If the layer is done printing before that time, it is to wait the remainder of the 30 seconds before printing the next. Or is there another way to do this?

Thanks for any help,

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Re: Can you set a minimum print time per layer in Slic3r?

Post by designfactore »

Well, I basically found the answer to my own question in Slic3r, Filament Settings, enable cooling (even though I don't have a fan yet). However, I would like the ability to specify the amount of time myself.

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Re: Can you set a minimum print time per layer in Slic3r?

Post by Lochemage »

I believe what you are looking for is the Filament Settings -> Cooling -> Slow down if layer print time is below: x seconds.

This will cause the printer to slow down movement so the layer takes a minimum of x seconds long to print.
- Lochemage

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