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My printer stopped heating mid print (hotend)

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 2:51 pm
by matanyabs

I started printing a part today. The hotend was preheated to 210 degrees (printing PLA) and after a layer or two I noticed that the set temperature was 0 and it began cooling. does anyone know what might have caused it? I stopped the print and removed the layer from the bed and started printing the same file and it was fine the second time.


Re: My printer stopped heating mid print (hotend)

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 6:10 pm
by Xenocrates
It could be that it's sliced with a bad argument for temperature, or a hardware failure is setting it to dry run. Does it reset the temperature as soon as you start a print, or after a random period of time? Has anything changed, either hardware or software (IE, did you update, plug something back in, change slicers or settings, ETC. Anything you've done since the last successful print if you've had one is a potential cause.)

Re: My printer stopped heating mid print (hotend)

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 5:13 pm
by matanyabs
thanks for the reply,

I hit the reset button and I home the printer. than after removing the print I start the print again (same file) and it's printing just fine 2-3 layers and than goes to 0 again (the set temperature is changed to 0 mid print). yesterday I manged to do a successful print right after it happened. today I had a successful print and than the second print shut down in the middle, and so did the third print (same file as the second)

Re: My printer stopped heating mid print (hotend)

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 4:09 pm
by Xenocrates
Printing from SD card or USB? If SD, post the file. if USB, try using an SD card.