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Borosilicate glass bed local source

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 8:55 am
by GeriatricPilot
G'day, just had my glass bed wrecked, a print took such a good hold that it lifted a chunk out of the glass. Anyway, I ordered a new one from SeeMeCNC, and thought that it might be a good idea to find a good source locally with a shorter delivery time as I am going to be out of action until my bed is replaced. I found a good company which will cut you a glass bed at the correct dimensions you specify, and temper and smooth the edges. On receiving both sheets, I was unable to tell the difference. The Australian supplier guarantees a perfectly flat surface.
The local supplier is Helm Australia, P.O. Box 1102 Hornsby NSW 1630. Web site is Obviously if you want to get the authentic bed, get it from SeeMeCNC, but if you are in a hurry and need a quick replacement, Helm can help. I now am going to carry 2 beds just in case. I guess I should also get a spare hot end too.

Posted by GeriatricPilot.