Process is as follows.
- Get an estimated trigger values by using
Code: Select all
G1 Z2X0Y0 G30 S-1 M114 G28
- Use the returned Z value from the M114 output that looks like the following:
Code: Select all
M114 X:-0.00 Y:0.00 Z:-0.32 E0:0.0 E1:0.0 E2:0.0 E3:0.0 E4:0.0 E5:0.0 Count 41144 41144 41144
- Set your G31 command in config.g to use the 'estimated' probe trigger similar to the following:
Code: Select all
G31 X0 Y0 Z-0.32 P100
- Run several set of G32's to get the G31 offset/trigger value to actual trigger the FRS. But be careful to not slam you hot end into the bed. I did this with the printer cold and not heated. I have not seen deviation on this value with temperature. At least at the tested temps I have done. (see below for notes on what I did to get it reliable)
- Once the FRS triggers reliably with your M558 and G31's set in the config.g file you are ready to start the H-value testing/discovery. This is what my current lines look like
Code: Select all
M558 P4 X0 Y0 Z0 H2 F200 T5000 G31 X0 Y0 Z-0.419 P100
- Heat up the Extruder and Bed to 210 and 65 C and give 15 to 20 minutes to level out and heat-soak.
- Run a set of of 6 to 10(more cycles will give you less deviation on the averages) G32's with the final line in the bed.g file being 'S-1' copy the details of each run into a spreadsheet (that is linked below) then average them. Below is a my bed.g file that I would be using at this point. You can use less points if you like. But 3 inner and 6 outer would be the minimum that I would believe to work. Esher 3d site makes this easy.The output that we want from the 'G-Code Console' will look like this:Spoiler:
Code: Select all
Bed probe heights: 0.153 0.081 0.123 0.301 0.676 0.688 -0.051 -0.021 0.186 0.263 0.167 0.417 0.579 0.439 0.940 0.035, mean 0.311, deviation from mean 0.278
- Do math to offset the X0 Y0 Z0 trigger value mine with my PEI is a huge -0.43 yes it is that messed up (Don't ask, math in the spreadsheet, as well.)
- Load the averaged and offset bed probe points H-values from the above G32's into bed.g(or if you want a Bed-calibration.g for separate calibration factors). Bed.g example: Bed-calibration.g exampleSpoiler:Spoiler:
- Run a set of 6 to 10 G32's with M665 and M666 averaging them as well.
- Load the averaged set of M665 and M666 into the config.g.
- Continue running the bed calibration until you have a deviation that you are happy with or tell they converge for some other reason.
Step 4 notes: In getting the triggers to be reliable I had to actual revisit my FRS holders and sand them more. As there was sticking in the holder that would not always allow triggering. Additional, you may have to move the position of the holder slightly for reliability also. As my initial location where the plungers and holders were even thought they lined up there was enough of a offset/miss-alignment that it affected the triggering.
Prints have gotten great. The use of Duet has drop thinned printing areas from 10 to 1 that I got with the Rambo and manual use of the least squares calibration Escher 3D. In the thinning areas, I did a poor job of putting on my PEI sheet. A lot of the error is due to poor install. But, it reflects how well the Duet works. It has the processing power to do the calculation that the Rambo has to fudge to print.
But, pick away, I just hope this makes enough sense that someone else can understand it. Please, enlighten me if there is a different/better way that you may be doing the same process..